
I denna blogg kommer jag lägga upp min musik, dikter, digitala målningar och ibland lite åsikter om saker och ting. In this blog I will post my music, poems, digital paintings and sometimes opinions about things.

A GOLDEN STRING (some kind of poem)

Publicerad 2015-08-07 03:39:00 i Bild, Dikt, English, Poesi, Poetry, kontemplation,

When you enter a black hole -
Your alone with your pain.
You see no way, out of it  -
Only darkness and red stains.
With no light - 
you have no fight, inside of thee.
But who said, in the dark -
For ever you have to be?
If you sit with no thought -
what life will offer thee.

A golden string, then will appear. 
A sunbeam that melt your fear.

On that you ride, don't need to hide.
And with that, your love can share.


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Hej jag heter Håkan Pontén och jag är en musiker ifrån HBG. Jag använder mig av artistnamnet basscania. I denna blogg kommer jag lägga upp min musik men även dikter, digitala målningar och ibland lite åsikter om saker och ting. Dvs sammanfatta mig själv som offentlig persona! --------------------------ENGLISH----------------------------- Hello my name is Hakan Pontén and I am a musician from HBG. I use the stage name basscania. In this blog I will post my music but also poetry, digital paintings and sometimes opinions about things. That sum myself as a public persona!



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