
I denna blogg kommer jag lägga upp min musik, dikter, digitala målningar och ibland lite åsikter om saker och ting. In this blog I will post my music, poems, digital paintings and sometimes opinions about things.

Why am I so interested in US constitution.

Publicerad 2015-10-19 19:09:00 i Allmänt, Bild, English, Samhälle,

The us citizens are my brothers and sisters. US have been a beacon for democracy!
But today something is really, really wrong If US changes and become "less democratic" many other countries will follow.
Some of the "signs"
1. Everything is today already surveilled true NSA
(FRA in Sweden who share the info with NSA).
2. Pentagon militarized the US police, inspite of that
the police have killed more civilians then ever.
3. Waterboarding is a standard instead of a war crime (as it wore before 9/11).
4. US (under Obama) have used the espionage program to prosecute whistleblowers
(more than ALL the US government's together has done in 100 years)!
This is just some of the signs..
If we don't act now - we soon have an oligarchic police state in the "free" world.
"If you're not doing anything wrong, you shouldn't have to worry about it "
Joseph Goebbels


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Hej jag heter Håkan Pontén och jag är en musiker ifrån HBG. Jag använder mig av artistnamnet basscania. I denna blogg kommer jag lägga upp min musik men även dikter, digitala målningar och ibland lite åsikter om saker och ting. Dvs sammanfatta mig själv som offentlig persona! --------------------------ENGLISH----------------------------- Hello my name is Hakan Pontén and I am a musician from HBG. I use the stage name basscania. In this blog I will post my music but also poetry, digital paintings and sometimes opinions about things. That sum myself as a public persona!



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