Why am I so interested in US constitution.
1. Everything is today already surveilled true NSA
(more than ALL the US government's together has done in 100 years)!
If we don't act now - we soon have an oligarchic police state in the "free" world.
Even if we don't see our roots - we still have them.
Sometimes we have to leave - to find where we belong.
Struggle true life and maybe - with luck find a wife.
Cause where you have your love - is where you have roots.
That's when your roots - turn water to wine.
Hej jag heter Håkan Pontén och jag är en musiker ifrån HBG. Jag använder mig av artistnamnet basscania. I denna blogg kommer jag lägga upp min musik men även dikter, digitala målningar och ibland lite åsikter om saker och ting. Dvs sammanfatta mig själv som offentlig persona! --------------------------ENGLISH----------------------------- Hello my name is Hakan Pontén and I am a musician from HBG. I use the stage name basscania. In this blog I will post my music but also poetry, digital paintings and sometimes opinions about things. That sum myself as a public persona!